Logic Project : SAT solver

Naive and DPLL algorithms

I have implemented the naive and DPLL algorithms in three languages :

  • OCamL : clearly the fastest
  • Python : the slowest (not surprisingly)
  • Cython : when it comes to performance, Cython is quite tricky


I used the Set data structure : to quote the OCamL documentation :

The implementation (of Sets) uses balanced binary trees, and is therefore reasonably efficient: insertion and membership take time logarithmic in the size of the set, for instance.

The CNF clauses are nothing else than a set of integer sets (the clauses), which is convenient, given that the order doesn’t matter, by commutativity.

How to use it

cd src

./OCamL/DPLL ./Examples/test6.txt

# The hardest examples (far too much for Python) were placed in the "Difficult" folder

./OCamL ./Difficult/test4.txt

Python (3.5/3.6)

I tried to stick with the pythonic way to implement such a recursive algorithm as much as possible (although I did resort to functools assets such as reduce and map (which are anything but pythonic)), especially by making an extensive use of iterators.

How to use it

cd src

python ./Python/DPLL.py ./Examples/test6.txt


It would be far too long to go into details: if the situation had to be described in one word, I’d say I finally managed to compile the .pyx file into an executable with the following commands:

cython --embed -o DPLL_compiled.c DPLL.pyx

gcc -v -Os -I /Users/younessekaddar/.pyenv/versions/3.6.0/include/python3.6m -L /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib  -o DPLL_compiled DPLL_compiled.c  -lpython3.6  -lpthread -lm -lutil -ldl

(which are obviously only suited for my particular case)

How to use it

cd src

./Cython/DPLL_compiled ./Examples/test6.txt

Concerning the choose function (which chooses the next literal before a recursive call), I tried two different implementations :

  • by randomly picking a literal amongst the available ones
  • by taking the “next” one :

    • in the iterator, for Python/Cython
    • with the choose function of the Set module for OCamL

But the randomized approach was so bad (5 to 6 time slower) that I gave it up.

def choose(clauses, choice = 'default'):
    if choice == 'random':
        return choice(tuple(reduce(set.union, clauses, set())))
        return next(iter(clauses[0]))

Logic games

Logic games have been implemented as Python classes with regards to their outer structure, but the actual SAT solving process resorts to the OCamL DPLL algorithm, through the subprocess Python library.

The inheritance relation between the used classes is depicted in the following graph :

digraph {
    B[label="Latin Square"];
    A -> {B,D};
    B -> C;

Here is a brief overview of theses classes.


It is the main class from which the different logic games inherit.

Once an instance of a given game has been translated into CNF clauses, via the generate_file method, the show method resorts to the OCamL DPLL algorithm so as to translate any satisfiable truth valuation back into a game grid.

The following classes share a similar structure, which is underlain by three key methods :

  • generate_file : actually translates an instance of the problem into CNF clauses (the ouput format follows the DIMACS format conventions)

  • generate_grid : given a truth valuation, creates the corresponding grid to be displayed with matplotlib

  • decode_literals (static method) : given an integer literal (appearing in the CNF DIMACS format), translates it back into a tuple that is about to be properly interpreted in the matplotlib graph

Latin Squares

The literals are triplets $(k,i,j)$, given that :

\[(k,i,j) \text{ is true } ⟺ \text{ the variable k is in position (i,j)}\]

Besides, $(k,i,j)$ corresponds to the literal number $k×(n^2) + i×n + j + 1$

NB : It’s a little detail, but it bugged me bit at the beginning :

when it comes to encoding and decoding literals, as such operations are carried out multiple times, one might be tempted to use a dictionary (for which setting and getting items has a constant average time cost), but it turns out that the overhead time cost don’t turn out to be that advantageous :

# Latin Square
# With a dictionary
>>> timeit 100000 from latin_square import LatinSquare; LatinSquare(5, 4)
0.001320116535720008 seconds on average for 100000 iterations

# Without any dictionary, by computing the literal number each time (provided the value of n**2 is stored)

>>> timeit 100000 from latin_square import LatinSquare; LatinSquare(5, 4)
0.0012361194491600327 seconds on average for 100000 iterations.

# (k,i,j) is true iff the variable k is in position (i,j)
# (k,i,j) corresponds to the literal number k*(n**2) + i*n + j + 1

for k in range(n):
    for i in range(n):
        not_two_in_one_row = ''
        for j in range(n):
            output_str += str(k*n_squared + i*n + j + 1) + ' '
            for j2 in range(j):
                not_two_in_one_row += '-' + str(k*n_squared+i*n+j2+1) + ' -' + str(k*n_squared+i*n+j+1) + ' 0\n'
        output_str += '0\n'
        output_str += not_two_in_one_row

for k in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
        not_two_in_one_col = ''
        for i in range(n):
            output_str += str(k*n_squared+i*n+j+1) + ' '
            for i2 in range(i):
                not_two_in_one_col += '-' + str(k*n_squared+i2*n+j+1) + ' -' + str(k*n_squared+i*n+j+1) + ' 0\n'
        output_str += '0\n'
        output_str += not_two_in_one_col

for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
        for k in range(n):
            output_str += str(k*n_squared+i*n+j+1) + ' '
        output_str += '0\n'


VS :

# (k,i,j) is true iff the variable k is in position (i,j)
# (k,i,j) corresponds to the literal number k*(n**2) + i*n + j + 1

d = {}
count = 1

for k in range(n):
    for i in range(n):
        not_two_in_one_row = ''
        for j in range(n):
            d[(k,i,j)] = count
            output_str += str(count) + ' '
            count +=1
            for j2 in range(j):
                not_two_in_one_row += '-' + str(d[(k,i,j2)]) + ' -' + str(count) + ' 0\n'
        output_str += '0\n'
        output_str += not_two_in_one_row

for k in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
        not_two_in_one_col = ''
        for i in range(n):
            output_str += str(d[(k,i,j)]) + ' '
            for i2 in range(i):
                not_two_in_one_col += '-' + str(d[(k,i2,j)]) + ' -' + str(d[(k,i,j)]) + ' 0\n'
        output_str += '0\n'
        output_str += not_two_in_one_col

for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
        for k in range(n):
            output_str += str(d[(k,i,j)]) + ' '
        output_str += '0\n'


As a result, I didn’t store the interpretations of the literals for the other game classes either.


Same literals as the LatinSquare, but with additional block-related constraints.

On top of the other methods, the random method generates a randomly partially filled Sudoku grid.

# Sudoku(size_of_grid, random=number_of_fixed_coefficients, solvable=necessarily_solvable_or_not)
M = Sudoku(9, random=37, solvable=False)
# M.show()

N = Sudoku(9, random=27, solvable=True)

The random generation is twofold :

  • if the solvable parameter is set to True :

    the randomly generated grid is guaranteed to be solvable, insofar as it is build out of a totally filled random Sudoku grid.

  • if the solvable parameter is set to False :

    the randomly generated grid is indeed a partial Sudoku grid, but may not be solvable.


Let $n$ (resp. $m$) be the number of rows (resp. columns).

The literals fall into two categories :

  • the cell-related literals, in the form of couples $(i,j)$
  • the block-related ones, in the form of triplets $(k,i,j)$
\[(i,j) \text{ is true } ⟺ \text{ the cell in position } (i,j) \text{ is colored}\]


\[(k,i,j) \text{ is true } ⟺ \text{ the } i\text{-th block of the } k\text{-th sequence (that is, line or column) starts from the } j\text{-th position.}\]

The former are associated with the literals

\[1 ≤ i×\max(n,m) + j ≤ \max(n,m)^2\]

the latter with the literals

\[\max(n,m)^2+1 ≤ \max(n,m)^2 + k×(m+n)^2 + i×(m+n) + j + 1 ≤ (m+n)^3 + \max(n,m)^2 + 1\]

Moreover :

  • for each sequence (i.e row or column), the $i$-th block is somewhere
  • for each sequence, the $i$-th block is at one position at most
  • each cell of each block is colored
  • each colored cell is in one block of its row
  • each colored cell is in one block of its column

⟶ I also implemented a verbose mode to trace back the literals more conveniently in the DIMACS generated file.

⟶ An instance can also be initialized by providing the URL of a “picross” file in the CWD format.

The CWD format



e.g :

2 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 2

2 1
2 1 3
1 3
2 1



This file aims at comparing the performances of the OCamL, Python and Cython DPLL algorithms on the files located in the ./Example folder.


This bash script creates a file, the content of which is the following markdown table, comparing the performances of the OCamL, Python and Cython DPLL algorithms on the files located in the ./Example folder.

echo "||OCamL|Cython|Python">$output
echo "-|-|-|-">>$output
for f in $files
  echo "Processing $f file..."
  ocaml="$( TIMEFORMAT='%lU';time ( ./OCamL/DPLL $f ) 2>&1 1>/dev/null )"
  cython="$( TIMEFORMAT='%lU';time ( ./Cython/DPLL_compiled $f ) 2>&1 1>/dev/null )"
  python="$( TIMEFORMAT='%lU';time ( python ./Python/DPLL.py $f ) 2>&1 1>/dev/null )"
  echo "${f#$files}|$ocaml|$cython|$python">>$output

How to use it

cd src

chmod +x ./benchmarks.sh
  OCamL Cython Python
latin_square_3.txt 0m0.006s 0m0.093s 0m0.155s
latin_square_4.txt 0m0.019s 0m0.126s 0m0.215s
latin_square_9.txt 0m0.916s 0m6.290s 0m7.101s
picross_10_10_1B0A7J8GFE0I947QOP210BVVZGHGSK.txt 0m0.067s 0m0.152s 0m0.279s
picross_10_20_YSCI430K89C3PPAY5MY0Z4XBYFG5OOFO95M0D6X50CZKPET9VH.txt 0m0.367s 0m1.038s 0m1.175s
picross_10_5_2S0MZ3SE45E68E661.txt 0m0.173s 0m0.217s 0m0.307s
picross_15_15_3BWYQ1KSBSMP2YHH4LWN87XBA6CXMHTNO3IYP.txt 0m0.327s 0m1.009s 0m1.286s
picross_5_5_EGJL3MLF.txt 0m0.007s 0m0.050s 0m0.140s
picross_8_8_JRF431YX10EVG1R.txt 0m0.120s 0m0.160s 0m0.256s
picross_9_5_9JT4G0T57YGWP22H.txt 0m0.113s 0m0.108s 0m0.226s
picross_9_8_EJ8UN1C2M2O4TG5R.txt 0m0.148s 0m0.299s 0m0.493s
sudoku_4.txt 0m0.016s 0m0.126s 0m0.263s
sudoku_4_1ZYLI8KVPC.txt 0m0.013s 0m0.075s 0m0.197s
sudoku_4_TXL8PXIXU1.txt 0m0.006s 0m0.055s 0m0.140s
sudoku_6.txt 0m0.013s 0m0.068s 0m0.153s
sudoku_9_1GX4FPP2MXTZ34Z5G06EWWQV7IK2BZVALK6TY0FISVNGVC5051C.txt 0m0.063s 0m0.260s 0m0.401s
sudoku_9_3VQXKC2ZBJLXQ48PJHH3LAMW08H6DZ8MUTGE6RDZ1JHUPFIA02YU.txt 0m0.968s 0m5.804s 0m6.245s
sudoku_9_42Y4WY8HTNMCE6XGGQS30JYQT2W6XF2ZS5Y81PMBQNGH2CUA1AA8.txt 0m0.107s 0m0.382s 0m0.542s
sudoku_9_492NPRN1HIOX0LM1WLI7140DWV76XFPXB6B3DZTR840HFR2D91JC.txt 0m0.199s 0m0.469s 0m0.375s
sudoku_9_662DTRFIQ3L1OSCWZH75GUQKFNZ3U7DY17KRZ73AW1BM7GSB27O.txt 0m12.665s 0m45.010s 0m48.086s
sudoku_9_CM2TXPZ68TCLEUQZV8PFGY3YTB4DC99N4JA3IKR0OJWKI49649Y.txt 0m0.077s 0m0.298s 0m0.366s
sudoku_9_D1HB6ZSYIO1PR55T1G9Z5904BZI1WWH91OX0MESBO5WD6FKP99DW.txt 0m0.069s 0m0.280s 0m0.367s

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