Lecture 2: Logspace
Last week:
- $TIME(f(n)), SPACE(f(n)), NTIME, NSPACE, ..$
- Speedup Theorem (2.2)
- $REACH$ (for directed graphs) aka $GAP$ is in $NL$ aka $NSPACE(log(n))$
- $REACH$ is in $SPACE(log^2(n))$
Th: \(NL ⊆ P\) i.e. \(∀ℳ ∈ NL, ∃M'_ℳ ∈ P \text{ running in } P_L(n), M'_ℳ \text{ recognizes } L(ℳ)\)
Proof: the number of possible configurations of the TM is exponential in the space used. So if logarithmic space is used ⟶ polynomial time.
ndTM in Logspace:
\[M ≝ ⟨Q, Σ, k \text{ working tapes}, q_{accept}, q_{reject}, Δ⟩\]on input $x∈Σ^\ast$
The set of configurations depends on the input: a configuration is of the form:
\[(q, \underbrace{i}_{\text{position on the lecture tape}}, \underbrace{w_1}_{\text{word on the first working tape}}, \underbrace{l_1}_{\text{position on the first working tape}}, \ldots, w_k, l_k)\]number of configurations:
\[\vert Q \vert × \underbrace{n}_{\text{ for } i} \underbrace{\log(n)^k}_{\text{ positions on the working tapes}} × \underbrace{\vert Σ \vert^{k \log(n)}}_{\text{as the sum of the lengths is bounded by } \log(n), \text{to be more precise: } \vert Σ \vert^{ \log(n)}}\]bounded by:
\[k_M × n^2 × n^{k \log(\vert Σ \vert)} ∈ O(n^{k_M})\]it is polynomial in the size of the input, since the polynomial may depend on $M$ (or $L$ when considering the language)
The machine $M’_ℳ$ creates the graph of configurations so that each edge from one configuration to another match according to the transition table of $ℳ$
⟶ then: is there a path from an initial configuration to a final one ? ⟹ in polynomial time with respect to the input $x$ (the polynomial depending on $ℳ$)
Savitch Theorem (1970)
Savitch: \(NSPACE(f(n)) ⊆ SPACE(f^2(n))\)
for every space constructible $f$ (or $f(n) ≥ \log(n)$)
Space constructible ⟹ $f ≥ \log$
Proof: we will reduce this problem to $REACH$ in $SPACE(\log^2(n))$
Lemma: Let
- $M’$ that computes $G: A^\ast ⟶ B^\ast$ in space $g(n)$ ($≥ \log(n)$)
- $M$ that computes $F: C^\ast ⟶ A^\ast$ in space $h(n)$ (space constructible, $≥ \log(n)$)
then $∃ M’’$ that computes $G \circ F$ in space $g(\vert Γ \vert^{h(n)})$
- one does not write on the output tape nor does one reuse anything already written on it (one cannot scan it)
- it’s useless to compose the machine “naively”: the output of the first one might be too long for the second one.
- the output of the first one is bounded by the running time, which is bounded by the number of configurations $≤ \vert Γ \vert^{h(n)}$ since it doesn’t loop (since it terminates)
The problem is that if $g ≤ id$, $\vert Γ \vert^{h(n)}$ may be greater than $g(\vert Γ \vert^{h(n)})$
The thing is that $M’$ doesn’t even need to modify the output tape of $M$: it just needs to scan it.
$M’$ will write on the “output” tape of $M$: $i$ (remembered for later) to mean “$M$, give me $F(x)[i]$”.
Then, $M$ computes on $x$ and keeps up to date a counter to keep track of the current letter being output, then compares this counter with the $i$ of $M’$.
One doesn’t use $Γ^{h(n)}$ anymore, but just $2 \cdot h(n)$.
Then, since $g ≥ \log$,
\[h(n) = O(g(Γ^{h(n)}))\]so that the final space complexity is $O(g(Γ^{h(n)}))$
NB: if $M’$ is non deterministic, it works exactly the same way, and $M’’$ is then non deterministic as well: $M’’$ is of the same “nature” than $M’$ (whether it be deterministic or not)
Coming back to our proof:
we want to show that $L ∈ NSPACE(f(n))$
- $M’’$ in $SPACE(f^2(n))$
- $M’$ : REACH in $\log^2(n)$
- $M$ (deterministic) : generates the graph of configurations of the machine $M_L$ in $NSPACE(f(n))$ for $L$ running on $x$: $h(n) = O(f(n))$, and the size of the output (not needed) is $Γ^{f(n)}$
Corollary: \(\underbrace{PSPACE}_{≝ \bigcup_k SPACE(n^k) = SPACE(n^{O(1)})} = NPSPACE = coNPSPACE\)
trivial inclusion: $⊆$ since deterministic TMs are a special case of non-deterministic ones.
other inclusion: Savitch theorem:
\[\bigcup_k NSPACE(n^k) ⊆ \bigcup_k SPACE(n^{2k}) ⊆ \bigcup_k SPACE(n^k)\]And:
\[NPSPACE = coNPSPACE\](co-class: you switch answers “yes” and “no” ⟶ for deterministic TM: reverse accepting and rejecting states)
Usually, non-deterministic space/time classes are NOT closed by complementation (since existentials are turned into universals)
But here, it is the case.
If $P_1, P_2$ are problems/languages $⊆ A^\ast$
- $P_1$ reduces to $P_2$ in Logspace: $P_1 ≼_L P_2$:
iff there exists an $F : A^\ast ⟶ A^\ast$ logspace-computable s.t. \(∀x, x∈ P_1 ⟺ F(x) ∈ P_2\)
- $SAT ≼_L 3\text{-}SAT$
- the general graph accessibility problem can be reduced to the one where $s = 0, t=n$ and the number of edges is $n$
Corollary: if $P_1 ≼_L P_2$ and $P_2 ∈ P \text{ resp. } NL$, then $P_1 ∈ P \text{ resp. } NL$
Proof: application of the lemma of composition seen just before.
\[≼_L \text{ is transitive}\]
Proof: lemma of composition again.
Complete problems
- $L$ is complete for $𝒞$ (under logspace reduction) iff:
- \[L ∈ 𝒞 ⟺ ∀L'∈ 𝒞, L' ≼_L L\]
REACH aka GAP is complete for $NL$
- to reduce any problem in $NL$: build the graph of configurations of the TM, and then: reachability problem in this graph
SAT is complete for $NP$: Cook-Levin Theorem (1971)
- in $NP$: guess valuation for the variable and evaluate to check if it gives “true” or “false”
- $NP \ni L ⊆ A^\ast$ ($M_L$ nd TM recognizing $L$) \(F_L: \begin{cases} A^\ast ⟶ B^\ast (\supset SAT) \\ x ⟼ φ_x \text{ boolean formula} \\ \end{cases}\) s.t. \(x ∈ L \text{ iff } φ \text{ is satisfiable }\)
One constructs boolean formulas
- $b_{t, i, a}$ which is true iff at time $t$, on position $t$, the current letter is $a$. We have $p(n) × n × \vert A \vert$ such formulas.
- $b_{t, q}$ true iff in state $q$ at time $t$
- $b_{t, j}$ true iff in position $j$ at time $t$
Then we encode the conditions enforced by the transition table of the TM, so that:
- if there is an accepting run, there will a truth valuation for the formula
- if there is a truth valuation for the formula, on can just read the execution table to check that the word is accepted
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