University of Oxford, 18 June - 24 August 2018
« […] you can build a mind from many little parts, each mindless by itself. »
Marvin Minsky, The Society of Mind (1986)
Marvin Minsky (1927-2016) | A.I. Researcher & Cognitive Scientist (MIT):
Calls two simpler mental agents:
The mental agents here form an example of event structure:
… which can also be seen as a non-deterministic process:
choose 'Pb' or 'Pd' or ('Pb' and 'Pd'): if 'Pb': choose either 'B' or 'W': if 'Pb' and 'Pd': launch 'T'
Event Structures:
Domain theory ⟶ Programming Language Semantics
Category Theory ⟶ Algebraic Effects
a well-founded poset $(\carrier E, \underbrace{\leq_E}_{\rlap{\text{causal dependency relation}}})$ of events
a consistency relation $\Con[E] \subseteq \Pfin(E)$ such that:
All the subsets of $\carrier E ≝ \lbrace {\rm Pb}, {\rm Pd}, \rm B, \rm T, \rm W\rbrace$ are in $\Con[E]$ except those containing $\lbrace \rm W, \rm B \rbrace$, or $\lbrace \rm W, \rm T \rbrace$.
Crucial concept:
Configurations = event history of a partial run of our computational process.
For that, we need two additional notions:
Extends the definition of ‘being in the consistency relation’ to infinite subsets
$x$ contains all the events that must have happened for any $e ∈ x$ to occur.
Notation: $\Conf[E]$: Finite configurations
$x$ contains all the events that entailed the point at which the partial run is, and no incompatible events.
Lemma: A (finite) subset is consistent ⟺ its downward closure is a (finite) configuration ⟺ it is a subset of a (finite) configuration.
a function $f: \carrier E \rightarrow \carrier F$ which is
a map which is also monotone
local injectivity ⟹ “atomic” events (an event in $F$ can’t come from two consistent events in $E$)
Proposition: Maps are causality-reflecting on configurations:
$$\forall e_1, e_2 \in x \in \Conf[E], \quad f (e_1) \leq_F f (e_2) \Longrightarrow e_1 \leq_E e_2$$
⟹ for any rigid map $f$, $f[x]$ and $x$ are isomorphic as partial orders.
Proposition: Rigid maps are configuration-reflecting on configurations:
$$\forall x' \subseteq x \in \Conf[E], \; f[x'] \in \Conf[F] \Longrightarrow x' \in \Conf[E]$$
Thanks to the previous propositions, we can characterise rigid maps more “concretely”:
Lemma (Characterisation of Rigid maps): A map $f: E \rightarrow F$ is rigid iff
$$\forall x \in\Conf[E], \forall y \in \Conf[F], \quad y \subseteq f[x] \Longrightarrow \exists x' \in \Conf[E], \; x' \subseteq x \, \land \, f x' = y$$
For every well-founded poset $P$, $\triple{\carrier P}{\leq_P}{\Pfin(P)}$ is an event structure
When $P$ is finite $\leadsto$ elementary event structure, as $\carrier P ∈ \Con[P]$
A rigid map $f: P → Q$ between two posets seen as event structures is a monotonic function.
Structures preserved by morphisms$\qquad \overset{\text{+ associativity, identity}}{\rightsquigarrow} \qquad \underbrace{\text{Category Theory}}_{\text{focus on relations rather than objects}}$
Objects preserved by morphisms:
Structures forming one category:
Event structures and rigid maps: $\ES$
Its (full) subcategory of finite posets: $\Path$
Notation: $I : \Path \hookrightarrow \ES$ is its full embedding in $\ES$.
Scott domains: $x ≤ y$ ⟺ the information carried by $y$ "extends" the one of $x$
Let $D$ be a poset.
Notation: $\dcp d ≝ \underbrace{\set{p \leq d \; \suchthat \; p \text{ complete prime}}}_{\text{prime downward-closure}}$
Other examples and non-examples:
Generalised Scott continuous functions: preserve the lubs of directed sets, but also those of finitely bounded sets.
Notation: Category of finitary prime algebraic domains and their maps: $\PAD$
Lemma (from event structures to prime algebraic domains): Let $E$ be an event structure. The poset $\pair{\ConfStar[E]}{\subset}$ is a prime algebraic domain, whose complete primes are the configurations $\lbrace \dc e \rbrace_{e ∈ \carrier E}$.
Lemma (from prime algebraic domains to event structures): Let $D$ be a finitary prime algebraic domain, we have an event structure $\CP_D$ given by:
- $\carrier {\CP_D} := \set{p \in \carrier D \; \suchthat \; p \text{ complete prime}}$
- $p_1 \leq_{\CP_D} p_2 \iff p_1 \leq_D p_2$
- $x \in \Con[\CP_D] \iff x \text{ bounded in } \carrier D$
Lastly, going back and forth between these two constructions:
$$∀ \, E ∈ \ES, \; E ≅ \CP_{\ConfStar[E]} \quad \qquad \quad ∀ \, D ∈ \PAD, \; D ≅ \pair{\ConfStar[\CP_D]}{\subset}$$
Yoneda embedding:
$$\yoneda_{\catC}: \begin{cases} \catC \to \overbrace{\Psh{\catC} ≝ [\opposite\catC, \Set]}^{\smash{\text{Category of Presheaves}}} \\ C \mapsto \Hom[\catC]{-, C} \end{cases}$$
Yoneda Lemma: For every presheaf $P ∈ \Psh{\catC}$, there is an isomorphism:
$$\begin{align*} &\Hom[\Psh{\catC}]{\yoneda_\catC(C), P} ≅ P(C) && \text{(natural in } C, P\text{)}\end{align*}$$
Examples: Cayley’s theorem, Dedekind–MacNeille completion, Skip-gram Model in ML, …
Natural transformations ≃ functor morphisms
Terminal objects
Equalizers (Kernels), Pullbacks, …
Initial objects
Coequalizers (Quotients), Pushouts, …
A colimit of a functor $D: I ⟶ \C$ (called a diagram) is an initial object in the category of natural transformations from $D$ to a constant functor (the category of cocones).
Let $\C$ be a small category and $\yoneda_\C: \C ⟶ \Psh\C$ its Yoneda embedding.
Theorem (Free Cocompletion of $\C$):
For every cocomplete category $\catD$ and functor $F :\C \to \catD$, there is a unique (up to isomorphism) cocontinuous functor $\hat F: \Psh\C \to \catD$ making the following triangle commute up to natural isomorphism:
A puzzling question:
What does freely adding all its colimits to $\C$ have to do with presheaves over $\C$?
It can be shown that every diagram $D$ is "equivalent" to a diagram $D'$ that has the property:
$$\Comma{\yoneda_\C {D'}}{P_{D'}} ≅ \overbrace{\Comma{\yoneda_\C}{P_{D'}}}^{≅ \, \elem {P_{D'}}}$$
And the freely added colimit of $D$ in $\Psh\C$ will be taken to be the presheaf $P_{D'}$.
Any diagram $D: I ⟶ \C$ is "equivalent" to the diagram $\elem(\colim \yoneda_\C D) \xto U \C$, where $U$ is the forgetful functor. Thus:
Theorem (Every presheaf is a canonical colimit of representables): For all $P ∈ \Psh\C$,
$$P \, ≅ \, \colim\Big(\Comma{\yoneda_\C}{P} \xto U \C \xto {\yoneda_\C} \Psh\C\Big)$$
Different take on the matter: through the lens of coends, which are universal extranatural transformations from a constant functor.
Theorem (co-Yoneda lemma): For every presheaf $P ∈ \Psh\C$:
$$P ≅ \int^c Pc × \yoneda_\C c$$
Let’s picture
$F \otimes_{\C} G$ = real-world gluing where each shiny Lego block in $F$ is replaced by the image of the nonshiny corresponding Lego block by $G$.
The co-Yoneda lemma: $P \, ≅ \, P \otimes_{\C} \yoneda_\C$
Of course! Replacing each shiny Lego block in $P$ by itself yields $P$ again!
Kan extensions: very expressive universal constructions that extend functors along one another.
« The notion of Kan extensions subsumes all the other fundamental concepts of category theory. » (MacLane)
is a functor $\Lan K F: \wC → \catD$ and a natural transformation $η: F → \Lan K F \circ K$ which is an initial arrow from $F ∈ [\catC, \catD]$ to $- \circ K: [\wC, \catD] → [\catC, \catD]$.
In other words: for any $G: \wC → \catD$ and $γ: F → GK$, there exists a unique natural transformation $α: \Lan K F → G$ such that $α_K \circ η = γ$:
Theorem (Existence of Kan extensions along a functor into a cocomplete category):
Let $\C$ be a small category, and $K: \C → \wC, \, F: \C → \catD$ be functors.
If $\catD$ is cocomplete, $\Lan K F$ exists and can be defined, for all $\tilde C ∈ \wC$, as:
$$\Lan K F (\tilde C) ≝ \colim\Big(\Comma K {\tilde C} \xto U \C \xto F \catD\Big)$$On top of that, if $F$ is fully faithful, the natural transformation $η: F → \Lan K F \circ K$ is an isomorphism.
With the machinery of Kan extensions, we have as corollaries:
the fact that presheaves are colimits of representables
the free cocompletion theorem
the Yoneda and co-Yoneda lemmas (with Kan extensions as coends)
« The nerve construction is inherent in the theory of categories » (Tom Leinster)
Let $F: \C ⟶ \catD$ be a functor from a small category to locally small cocomplete one.
$$\Lan{\yoneda_{\C}}{F} ⊣ \Nerve F \cong \Lan F {\yoneda_{\C}}$$
You can think of
$\C$-objects as being Lego blocks – and thus $\Psh\C$-objects
as being Lego constructions due to $\Psh\C$ being the free cocompletion of $\C$
$\D$-objects as being real-world physical objects.
For example, our child may have a bust of Newton in his bedroom (the bust being an object of $\catD$ in our comparison), and may
suddenly feel like making a Lego copy of it, thereby acting like the nerve:
The nerve of the inclusion functor $\Path+ \stackrel{I_+}{\hookrightarrow} \ES$ enables us to
regard event structures as presheaves over non-empty paths.
$\Nerve {I_+}$ is fully faithful, due to $I_+$ being dense:
A functor $F: \catC ⟶ \catD$ is said to be dense/co-dense if for all $C ∈ \catC$:
$$C \; ≅ \; \colim\Big(\Comma F C \xto U \catC \xto F \catD\Big) \; / \; C \; ≅ \; \lim\Big(\Comma C F \xto U \catC \xto F \catD\Big)$$
and the fact that:
If $\C \stackrel{i}{\hookrightarrow} \catD$ is dense, the nerve functor $\Nerve i$ is fully faithful.
… that we can obtain as a corollary of this theorem:
Theorem: If $F: \catC → \catD$ is a functor, $G: \catC → \catD$ a continuous functor and $\catA \overset{i}{\hookrightarrow} \catC$ a co-dense subcategory, there is a unique extension of every natural transformation $αi: Fi → Gi$ to a natural transformation $α: F → G$.
To reuse the Lego analogy, $\C$ being dense in $\catD$ can be understood as the the Lego bricks being so small (let’s say of atomic size!) that the Lego constructions are faithful enough to distinguish any two non-isomorphic real-world objects!