Cours 16: PCF: Logical Relations to show Adequacy


  • $CPO$ category:

    • completely partially ordered sets
    • Scott-
  • $⟦i⟧ =$

    digraph {
      ⊥ -> 0, 1, 2, ⋯;
  • $⟦A ⇒ B⟧ = \lbrace f: ⟦A⟧ ⟶ ⟦B⟧ \mid f \text{ Scott-continuous} \rbrace$

  • $⟦x_1:A_1, ⋯, x_n:A_n ⊢ M:B⟧: ⟦A_1⟧ × ⋯ × ⟦A_n⟧ ⟶ ⟦B⟧$

  • $⟦Y \; M⟧ \; \vec{g} = \underbrace{\bigvee_n (⟦M⟧ \, \vec{g})^n (⊥)}_{\text{what we can’t do in } Set}$

Question: what does $⟦M⟧ = ⟦N⟧$ mean? (eg: when it comes to Friedman, this is tantamount to $βη$-equivalence)

Prop (Soundness of denotational semantics): If $M ⟶ N$ then $⟦M⟧ = ⟦N⟧$

Proof: Use the properties of CCC for $β$-reduction

Interesting case:

\[⟦Γ ⊢ Y \; M⟧ \overset{?}{=} ⟦Γ ⊢ M \, (Y \; M)⟧\]

To show that the functions are equal, show that they take the same values, i.e. for any $\vec{g}$:

\[\underbrace{⟦Γ ⊢ Y \; M⟧ \; \vec{g}}_{= \bigvee_n (⟦M⟧ \, \vec{g})^n (⊥)} \overset{?}{=} \underbrace{⟦Γ ⊢ M \, (Y \; M)⟧ \; \vec{g}}_{= ⟦M⟧ \, \vec{g} (⟦Y \, M⟧ \, \vec{g})}\]


\[\begin{align*} ⟦M⟧ \, \vec{g} (⟦Y \, M⟧ \, \vec{g}) & = ⟦M⟧ \, \vec{g} \left(\bigvee_n (⟦M⟧ \, \vec{g})^n (⊥)\right) \\ & = \bigvee_n ⟦M⟧ \, \vec{g} (⟦M⟧ \, \vec{g})^n (⊥) &&\text{by Scott-continuity} \\ & = \bigvee_n (⟦M⟧ \, \vec{g})^n (⊥) \end{align*}\]

What about completeness?

Is is true that

\[⟦M⟧ = ⟦N⟧ \overset{?}{⟹} M =_{β(η)} N\]

NO!!! Indeed, recall that:

  • $Ω_ι ≝ Y \; (λx^ι.x^ι) ⟶ (λx.x) Ω ⟶ Ω ⟶ ⋯$$
  • \[S_ι ≝ Y \; (λx^ι. succ \; x^ι)\]


\[⟦Ω_ι⟧ = ⟦S_ι⟧ = ⊥\]

(since $⊥$ is a fixed-point thereof)


\[Ω_ι ≠_{β(η)} S_ι\]

Let’s try to find out the “meaning” of $⟦M⟧ = ⟦N⟧$ then!


Th (ADEQUACY): Let $M$ be a PCF program, then

\[⟦M⟧ = n ⟺ M ⟶^\ast \underline{n}\]


\[⟦M⟧ = ⟦N⟧ ⟺ \begin{cases} \text{ if } M ⟶^\ast \underline{n} ⟺ N ⟶^\ast \underline{n} \\ \text{ or else } M \text{ and } N \text{ diverge } \end{cases}\]


\[⟦M⟧ = ⟦N⟧ ⟺ (∀n, M ⟶^\ast \underline{n} ⟺ N ⟶^\ast \underline{n})\]


  1. one can replace $n$ by a boolean $b: \omicron$, it stands for any ground type (but we can express the boolean as integers, so let’s restrict ourselves to integers).

  2. it’s not true anymore for types which are not ground


$⟸$: is a trivial consequence of the soundness theorem: it follows that $⟦M⟧ = ⟦n⟧ = \underline{n}$

$⟹$: we will try to “lift” the statement to a higher order, so as to have more powerful induction hypothesis.

Let’s define

\[(ℛ^A)_{A ∈ Types} ⊆ ⟦A⟧ × Terms_A\]
  • $ℛ^ι$:

    \[\underbrace{v}_{ ∈ ⟦ι⟧} \; ℛ^ι \; \underbrace{M}_{⊢ M: ι} ⟺ (v=n ⟹ M ⟶^\ast \underline{n})\]

    NB: so that the relation $⟦M⟧ \; ℛ^ι \; M$ gives us exactly what we want to show.

    In fact, we have:

    \[∀f ≤ ⟦M⟧, f \; ℛ^ι \; M\]
  • $ℛ^{A ⇒ B}$

    \[f \; ℛ^{A ⇒ B} \; M ⟺ ∀v \; ℛ^A \; N, f(v) \, ℛ^B \; MN\]

Problem: In, $⟦M⟧ \; ℛ^ι \; M$, the type will be complexified, and the term will not always be close in the proof.

Key Lemma (of the Logical Relation):

$∀ x_1:A_1, ⋯, x_n: A_n ⊢ M:B, ∀ v_i \; ℛ^{A_i} \; N_i \quad (i ≤ n)$:

\[⟦x_1:A_1, ⋯, x_n: A_n ⊢ M:B⟧ \, (v_1, ⋯, v_n) \; ℛ^B \; M \lbrace N_1/x_1, ⋯, N_n/x_n \rbrace\]

Proof: By induction on a derivation of $x_1:A_1, ⋯, x_n: A_n ⊢ M:B$

  • $M = x_j$:

    \[\underbrace{⟦\vec{x_i}: \vec{A_i} ⊢ M⟧ \, \vec{v_i}}_{= v_j} \; ℛ^{A_j} \; \underbrace{N_j}_{= M \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace}\]
  • $M = \underline{n}$:

    \[\underbrace{⟦Γ ⊢ M⟧ \, \vec{v_i}}_{= ⟦\underline{n}⟧ = n} \; ℛ^{A_j} \; \underbrace{\underline{n}}_{= M \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace}\]
  • $M = \texttt{if } P^\omicron \texttt{ then } Q^ι \texttt{ else } L^ι$:

    \[⟦Γ ⊢ M⟧ \, \vec{v_i} = \begin{cases} ⟦Γ ⊢ Q⟧ \, \vec{v_i} &&\text{ si } ⟦Γ ⊢ P^\omicron⟧ \, \vec{v_i} = true \\ ⟦Γ ⊢ L⟧ \, \vec{v_i} &&\text{ si } ⟦Γ ⊢ P^\omicron⟧ \, \vec{v_i} = false \\ ⊥ &&\text{ sinon si } ⟦Γ ⊢ P^\omicron⟧ \, \vec{v_i} = ⊥ \end{cases}\]

    WARNING! THE DEFINITION HAS CHANGED, SO THIS PART OF THE PROOF IS NO LONGER VALID: Let’s consider the third case: then $⊥ \; ℛ^\omicron \; P \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace$ by IH, so that $P \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace$ diverges by definition, and $M \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace$ as well. Therefore: $⟦Γ ⊢ M⟧ \, \vec{v_i} \; ℛ^ι \; M \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace$ by definition.

    Now, the first case (the second one will be analogous): then $⟦Γ ⊢ M⟧ \, \vec{v_i} = ⟦Γ ⊢ Q⟧ \, \vec{v_i}$, and as by IH: $⟦Γ ⊢ Q⟧ \, \vec{v_i} \; ℛ^\omicron \; Q \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace$. But $M \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace ⟶^\ast Q \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace$, so the result is clear, since $v \; ℛ^ι _$ is clearly closed under anti-reduction.

  • $M = λy^C. L^D$ ($B = C ⇒ D$):

    Let’s show $⟦Γ ⊢ λy^C. L^D⟧ \, \vec{v_i} \; ℛ^B \; λy^C. L^D \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace$:

    Let $u \; ℛ^C \; P$: let’s show that

    \[\underbrace{⟦Γ ⊢ λy^C. L^D⟧ \, \vec{v_i}\, u}_{= ⟦y:C, Γ ⊢ L^D⟧ (u, \vec{v_i})} \; ℛ^D \; \underbrace{(λy^C. L^D) \, P \, \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace}_{⟶ L^D \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace \lbrace P/y \rbrace \text{ since } P \text{ is closed}}\]

    But by IH:

    \[⟦y:C, Γ ⊢ L^D⟧ (u, \vec{v_i}) \; ℛ^D \; L^D \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace \lbrace P/y \rbrace\]


    \[⟦Γ ⊢ λy. L^D⟧ \vec{v_i} \, u \; ℛ^D \; L^D \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace \lbrace P/y \rbrace\]

    and by closure under anti-reduction:

    \[⟦Γ ⊢ λy. L^D⟧ \vec{v_i} \, u \; ℛ^D \; (λy. L^D \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace) \, P = (λy. L^D P) \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace = M \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace\]
  • $M = L^{C ⇒ B} Q^C$:

    By IH:

    \[\begin{cases} ⟦L⟧ \, \vec{v_i} \; ℛ^{C ⇒ B} \; L \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace \\ ⟦Q⟧ \, \vec{v_i} \; ℛ^{C ⇒ B} \; Q \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace \end{cases}\]

    So one concludes by definition of $ℛ^{C ⇒ B}$

  • $M = Y \; L^{B ⇒ B}$:

    \[⟦YL⟧ \, \vec{v_i} \; ℛ^B \; YL \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace\]
    • By the lemma 2: \(⊥ \lbrace \vec{v_i} \rbrace \; ℛ^B \; YL \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace\)

    • \[⟦L⟧ \, (\vec{v_i}) \, (⊥ \, \vec{v_i}) \; ℛ^B \; YL \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace\]

      Since by IH,

      \[⟦L⟧ \, \vec{v} \; ℛ^{B ⇒ B} \; L \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace\]

      that is:

      \[⟦L⟧ \, \vec{v} \, (⊥ \, \vec{v}) \; ℛ^B \; L \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace (Y L \lbrace N_i/x_i \rbrace)\]

      Therefore we conclude, by closure by anti-reduction

Lemma (Closure) 1: $v \; ℛ^A _$ is closed under anti-reduction, i.e.:

\[v \; ℛ^A \; M \text{ and } M ⟶^\ast N ⟹ v \; ℛ^A \; N\]


  • $v \; ℛ^ι \; M$ ssi $(v = n ⟹ M ⟶^\ast \underline{n})$

  • $v \; ℛ \; M$ ssi $∀ n \; ℛ^A \; N, \quad v n \; ℛ^B \; MN$

A type is of the form

\[A = A_1 ⟹ ⋯ ⟹ A_n ⟹ ι\]

Let’s assume that

\[n_1 \; ℛ^{A_1} \; N_1, ⋯, n_n \; ℛ^{A_n} \; N_n\]

Show that

\[v n_1 ⋯ n_n ℛ^ι M N_1 ⋯ N_n\]

i.e. if $v n_1 ⋯ n_n = k$, then $M N_1 ⋯ N_n ⟶^\ast \underline{k}$.

As $M ⟶ N$, it follows that

\[M N_1 ⋯ N_n ⟶ N N_1 ⋯ N_n\]

By hyp: $v \; ℛ^A \; N$, so

\[N N_1 ⋯ N_n ⟶^\ast \underline{k}\]

And we conclude.

Lemma 2:

  • $⊥ \; ℛ^A \; M$
  • if $v_0 ≤ v_1 ≤ ⋯$ s.t. $∀i, v_i \; ℛ^A \; M$: then \(\bigvee_i v_i \; ℛ^A \; M\)

Outline of the proof:

  • Induction step: to show that $⊥ n_1 ⋯ n_n \; ℛ^ι \; M N_1 ⋯ N_n$, it suffices to show that $⊥ \; ℛ^ι \; M N_1 ⋯ N_n$ (base step), since the functions are orderes pointwise.
  • we use the fact that if $(\bigvee_i v_i) \, n_1 ⋯ n_n \; ℛ^ι \; M \, N_1 ⋯ N_n$, then $(\bigvee_i v_i \, n_1 ⋯ n_n) \; ℛ^ι \; M \, N_1 ⋯ N_n$ (since functions are ordered pointwise: $(\bigvee_i f_i)(x) ≝ \bigvee_i f_i (x)$)

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