Lecture 1: J eliminator, Truncation, Extensional type theory
Correspondence between Types and Topological spaces
Structure of equality (Martin-Löf Identity type)
- equality ⟺ $ω$-groupoids
Structure of equality on type constructors
- $Σ$ types, $Π$ dependent products
Vladimir Voevodsky’s homotopy level of a type/truncation
- contractible types
- mere propositions ⟶ proof relevance
- mere sets ⟶ uniqueness of identity proof
$A$ type | $A$ space |
$a:A$ | $a$ is a point in $A$ |
$a, b :A$: \(Id \, A \, a\, b\) (also denoted by $a =_A b$) | $a, b ∈ A$: \(a \sim b\) |
$refl_a : a =_A a$ | $id_A$ the identity path. You can concatenate paths |
By path induction with $refl_a: a=_Aa$
\[\texttt{associativity: } Π_{a, b, c, d: A} Π_{\substack{e:a=b \\ e':b=c \\ e'' : c=d}} e @ (e' @ e'') = (e @ e') @ e''\]By path induction with $refl_{refl_a}$
Transport and equality
- $a, b, c:A$
- $q: b=c$
- $p: a=b$
But you have also
\[p @ q: a =_A c\]But we can show that they are propositionally equal by path induction, with $refl_{refl_a}$
Dependent sums
- $A: Type$
- $B: A → Type$
- Dependent sum: \(Σ_{a: A} B \, a\)
First (resp. second) component: $u.1$ (resp. $u.2$)
If \(u, v: Σ_{a: A} B \, a\)
How to prove $u = v$?
We can’t just say that
- $p: u.1 = v.1$
- $q: u.2 = v.2$ ⟶ not well-typed
Fix for $q$:
\[Σ_{p: u.1 = v.1} (\texttt{transport } B \, p \; u.2 = v.2) ⟶ u=v\]In fact, there’s even an equivalence between the two.
Transport and equality: Functional extensionality
- $A: Type$
- $B: A → Type$
- $f, g: \prod_{x:A} B \, x$
Are $\prod_{x:A} f \, x =_{B x} g \, x$ and $f=g$ equivalent ?
You can go from $f=g$ to \(\prod_{x:A} f \, x =_{B x} g \, x\) by path induction (with $λx. refl_{f \, x}$)
BUT: the converse doesn’t hold in HoTT!! It’s independent: not inconsistent though.
With the Univalence Axiom, it does.
Contractible types
- $A: Type$
- \[IsContr \, A ≝ \sum_{a:A} \prod_{b:A} a = b\]
The unit type is contractible:
Inductive unit: Type :=
| tt: unit
$IsContr\, unit$
\[tt: unit \\ \prod_{b: unit} tt=b\\ λb. \texttt{match } b \texttt{ with}\\ \mid tt ⟹ refl_{tt}: tt=tt\]Truncation
Fixpoint IsTrunc n A := match n with
| 0 => IsContr A
| S n => forall x y:A, IsTrunc n (x=y)
But in HoTT, it starts with $-2$, so that Hsets are $0$-truncated, and it matches higher-category theory.
Starting at $0$:
\[IsContr \, A := IsTrunc \, 0 \, A \\ IsHProp \, A := IsTrunc \, 1 \, A\\ IsHSet \, A := IsTrunc \, 2 \, A\]In particular:
\[IsHprop \, A := ∀x y: A. \sum_{e: x=y} \prod_{e': x=y} e=e'\]- Proof irrelevance (satisfying the following property means being a proposition):
- \[IsIrr \, A := ∀x y: A. x=y\]
Why is it equivalent to $IsHprop$? Because when you satisfy $IsIrr$, you’re contractible, provided that you’re inhabited by at least one term (and all the higher equalities collapse).
\[UIP \, A := ∀ x y:A. ∀e e': x=y. e=e'\]
We have:
\[UIP \, A ≃ IsHSet \, A\]Other contractible type:
\[singleton \, A \, (x:A) := \sum_{y:A} x=y\]Extensional Type Theory (ETT)
\[\cfrac{Γ ⊢ e: x =_A y}{Γ ⊢ x ≡ y \quad\text{ (convertible)}}(reflection)\]In ETT:
\[∀A, x y : A, e e': x=y. e=e'\]By path induction on $e’$:
\[∀A, x:A, e: x=x. e= refl_x\]Why? Because in fact, in ETT:
\[∀A:Type, xy: A, e:x=y. \; e=refl_x\]It’s well-typed, because $x$ and $y$ are convertible, so that
\[x=y ≡ x=x\]Then, path induction on $e$, and $refl_{refl_x}$
BUT: UIP and Univalence are not compatible! So that’s why we don’t have it in HoTT.
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