Lecture 1: Introduction
Teacher: Paul-André Melliès
What happens when you plug different pieces of programs together?
Semantics: Looks like chemistry: take a programming language ⟶ decompose it in many meaningful pieces
Blurring/Obfuscating information not to have access to personal data ⇐ comes from algorithmics
Semantics: versatile field where the idea of programming is turned into algebra-based scientific methods
Ex: Haskell has a lot to do with functors, monads, etc… ⟹ category theory
Teaching plan: how categories are related to linear logic? (unified picture → purpose = to unify areas of theoretical CS)
Linear logic: changed the landscape of how we understand programs. Linear logic vs. Separation logic
- Separation logic:
proving that low-level programs are corrects (with locks, etc…)
- Realizability:
types are interpreted either as cells/domains/coherence spaces of programs
- Semantics:
mathematical investigation of prog. languages and of their compilation schemes
Functional and imperative languages: based on $λ$-calculus
PCF | $λ$-calculus, higher order typing recursion |
Algol | states |
ML | exceptions, references |
OCamL | modules, objects, … |
Rust: you have more information about the data you manipulate so that you can prove properties of programs
Aim: preservation of meaning during compilation ⇐ compositional/modular techniques
For big programs: very hard to use verification ⟹ study little chunks and then glue them (composition) together
- Weak memory models:
describe how microprocessors work
A programming language = lines of codes & meaning
\[\underbrace{\begin{xy} \xymatrix{ \cdot \ar[r]^b \ar@{<-}[d]_a & \cdot \ar@{<-}[d]^a \\ \cdot \ar[r]_b & \cdot } \end{xy}}_{\text{Syntax (triangulation)}} ⟼ \underbrace{\text{ a torus }}_{\text{Semantics}}\]- Parametricity:
what corresponds – for programming – to relativity in physics (change the world representation).
⟶ homology: detect in programs the structure that emerges from lines of codes
Girard in the 80’s: we can interpret programs based on their terminal states (ex: in automata: terminal states to check if words are accepted)
⟶ procedure to turn a program into its terminal states
What the syntax is computing = an intersection between the terminal states of the program and those of the environment (describing interactions as intersections of trajectories ⟶ very geometric: a program becomes a manifold of possible traces of executions)
Other example: speaking about recursion in PL (programming languages)
Recursion looks like a feedback loop (fixed point)
Matrix trace has a lot to do with feedback loops
Trace in linear algebra can be generalized:
\[\rm Tr_{A, B}^{U} \quad \cfrac{A \otimes U ⟶ B \otimes U}{A ⟶ B}\]In the cartesian closed category $Set$:
\[\begin{xy} \xymatrix{ A \ar[r]^f \ar[d]_{Δ_B} & B \ar[d]^{Δ_A} \\ A × A \ar[r]_{f × f} & B } \end{xy}\]where $Δ$ is the diagonal:
\[\begin{cases} A ⟶ A×A \\ a \mapsto (a, a) \end{cases}\]digraph {
a1[label="" shape=none];
b1[label="" shape=none];
b2[label="", shape=none];
a1 -> f[label="A"]
f -> "Δ_B"[label="B"]
"Δ_B" -> b1[label="B"];
"Δ_B" -> b2[label="B"];
digraph {
a1[label="" shape=none];
b1[label="" shape=none];
b2[label="", shape=none];
a1 -> "Δ_A"[label="A"];
"Δ_A" -> f1[label="A"];
"Δ_A" -> f2[label="A"];
f1 -> b1[label="B"];
f2 -> b2[label="B"];
The diagonal is a duplicator
NB: this the way contractions duplicate boxes in linear logic
If we have duplication and feedbacks, then we have fixed-points
cf. Christian Kassel’s “Quantum Groups” book (Springer)
Domain Semantics
Domain theory: how finite “beings” interact with infinite ones
Girard’s story: when you’re in Roma and you wait for the bus: is it worth waiting more, or had you better going back home by foot? (⇒ semi-decidable)
Key idea: the semantics of a program
\[P: A ⟶ B\]is a function
\[[P]: [A] ⟶ [B]\]from the domain of inputs to the domain of outputs.
Game Semantics
Key idea: A program $P: A ⟶ B$
is interpreted as an interactive strategy:
\[[P]: [A] \multimap [B]\]which plays on the input game $A$ and output game $B$.
The meaning of a program is an automaton!
Game semantics = idealized and compositional compilation
Example: Game to be won: $A ∨ ¬ A$: how is it won?
Logic is interactive: using games, the negation of a fomula is the formula your opponent sees.
$∨$: we only want to win in one of the boards $A$ or $¬A$ ($⅋$ in linear logic). From our opponent’s point of vue, he/she wants to win on both boards ($\otimes$ in linear logic). All we have to do is to play the opponent’s move on the other board ⟹ you’ll win in one of the boards (copycat strategy = the identity).
cf. Borelian games in set theory
The evaluation of a program $P$ against its environment $E$ may be understood as the interactive exploration of $P$ (resp. $E$) by $P$ (resp. $E$).
Evaluation = interactive pattern matching
$β$-reduction is just a sequence of interactions between two programs trying to “know each other”.
Revolving about cut elimination | |
$λ$-calculus and natural deduction | Geometry |
Cartesian closed categories | Algebra |
Scott models | Static |
Concrete data structure | Dynamic |
Krivine machine and Categorical Abstract Machines | Compilation |
Sequent calculus | Syntax |
Idea of Curien and Béry (giving birth to CAM): Instead of interpreting $λ$-terms as functions, interpret them as compiled code
Frege: natural numbers are inherent to us, as they mean “doing a certain number of times something” ⟶ gave birth to Church numerals
- zero: erases the argument
- one: linear
- two: duplicates the argument
Linear $λ$-calculus
Idea: Extracts the syntactic atoms of the existing molecules and build a Mendeleiev table out of it.
- $A ⊸ B$: use the input only once
- $!A ⊸ B$: use a “infinite bag” of $A$’s as an input
Linear shift:
Revolving about cut elimination | |
$λ$-calculus and natural deduction ⟶ Proof nets | Geometry |
Cartesian closed categories ⟶ Monoidal categories | Algebra |
Scott models ⟶ Denotational semantics | Static |
Concrete Data Structure (CDS) ⟶ Game semantics | Dynamic |
Krivine machine and CAM ⟶ Abstract machines | Compilation |
Sequent calculus | Syntax |
$λ$-terms interpretation:
- static: domains seen as coherence spaces
- dynamic: CDSs seen as dialogue games
- $A ⊸ B$: \(1 ⟶ A \overset{f}{⟶} B\)
- $B^⊥ ⊸ A^⊥$: \(A \overset{f}{⟶} B \overset{K}{⟶} ⊥\)
Semantics today
- semantics of low-level languages
- concurrency
- resource allocation, side effects, complexity
new generation of languages and proof assistants:
- Dream: being able to use effects in proof assistants (ex: when you prove sth using the board, you use effects)
- Realizability models of Zermelo-Frankel set theory
- Homotopy Type Theory
- Knot theory and Physics
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