Lecture 4: Alternating Turing Machines
\[L ≝ SPACE(\log(n))\\ ⊆ NL ≝ NSPACE(\log(n)) = coNL \\ ⊆ P ≝ TIME(n^{O(1)}) \\ ⊆ NP ≝ NTIME(n^{O(1)}) \\ ⊆ PSPACE ≝ SPACE(n^{O(1)}) \overset{\text{Savitch}}{=} NPSPACE \overset{\text{Immermann}}{=} coNPSACE\]Alternating Turing Machines
Kozen (1976)
- An Alternating Turing Machine:
$ℳ ≝ (Q_∃, Q_∀, Γ, q_0, Δ, F, R)$ where $Q ≝ Q_∃ \sqcup Q_∀$
NB: ndT ⟺ $Q_∀ = ∅$
- A configuration of ATM $ℳ$ on input $x$:
is a tree TM configurations s.t. if the trees $T_1, ⋯, T_n$ are children of $C$
- if $C$ is accepting/rejecting, then $n=0$ ($q∈ F, R$, the tree is a leaf)
if $C$ is existential ($q ∈ Q_∃ \backslash (F ∪ R)$), then
- $n ≤ 1$
- $C \overset{Δ}{⟶} root(T)$ if $n=1$
if $C$ is universal ($q∈ Q_∀ \backslash (F ∪ R)$), then:
- for all $C \overset{Δ}{⟶} C’$ , there is a $T_i$ with root $C’$
- A computation tree is accepting:
if all leaves are accepting
- An input is accepted by $ℳ$:
if there’s an accepting tree rooted at $C_0(x)$
- An ATM runs in $TIME(f)$ (resp. $SPACE(f)$):
every computation tree rooted in $C_0(x)$ has height/all branches of length $≤ f(\vert x \vert)$ (resp. all visited configurations (in the tree) of size $≤ g(\vert x \vert)$)
⟶ $ATIME(f), ASPACE(f)$
\[TIME(f) ⊆ NTIME(f) ⊆ ATIME(f) \\ SPACE(f) ⊆ NSPACE(f) ⊆ ASPACE(f)\](TM are special cases of NTM, which themselves are special cases of ATM)
\[QBF ∈ AP ≝ ATIME(n^{O(1)})\]
Input: formula of the form
\[∃ x_1, ∀ x_2, ⋯, ∃x_n. \bigwedge_i \bigwedge_j ± x_{i, j}\]Existentially guess, universally check: for each
- existentially quantified variable $x_i$: one guesses a value $true$ or $false$
- universally quantified $x_j$: are given all possible values ($true$ and $false$: one in each copy/thread of the ATM)
then: formula evaluated
Corollary: \(PSPACE ⊆ AP\)
Because QBF is PSPACE-hard (since it is PSPACE-complete): for all $L ∈ PSPACE$:
\[L ≼_{\bf L} QBF ∈ AP\]Th: \(PSPACE = AP\)
Proof: Only need to show $AP ⊆ PSPACE$
Let $L ∈ AP$, recognized by $ℳ$.
There is a PSPACE machine $ℳ’$ that recognizes $L$ (that recognizes $L$ (says if $ℳ$ accepts $x$))
$ℳ’$ simulates $ℳ$ as follows:
- define
(value of a configuration) - evaluate
val(C) ≝ looks at q:
if q ∈ F: return YES
if q ∈ R: return NO
if q ∈ Q_∃, evaluate
val(C_1) ∨ ⋯ ∨ val(C_n)
for all C_i s.t. C ⟶ C_i
if q ∈ Q_∃, evaluate
val(C_1) ∧ ⋯ ∧ val(C_n)
for all C_i s.t. C ⟶ C_i```
The program terminates since the machine $ℳ$ terminates on any input. Stack of size $p(n)$ at most, comprised of configurations of size $p(n)$ ⟹ space bounded by $(p(n))^2$
Can be generalized to \(SPACE(poly(f(n))) = ATIME(poly(f(n)))\) for $f(n) ≥ n$
Logical problems
- HornSAT:
Conjunction of clauses with at most one positive litteral
- Circuit Value:
- an acyclic directed graph with
- nodes labelled with $∨, ∧, \overline{∨}, \overline{∧}$
- a distinguished output node
- answer = YES if the output node evaluates to true.
digraph {
z1, z2[label=0, shape=none]
u1[label=1, shape=none]
or1, or2[label=∨, shape=square];
and[label=∧, shape=square];
bl[shape=none, label=""]
z1 -> or1;
u1 -> or1, and;
z2 -> and;
or1 -> or2[label=1];
and -> or2[label=0];
or2 -> bl[label=1];
How is it different from evaluating a boolean expression?
⟶ value not kept on the stack, but in memory
Boolean formulas ≡ Circuit values for trees (not just a general acyclic DAG)
for example: in the previous example, the 1 on the left is shared.
In boolean formulas: subexpressions that are identical can thought of as shared ⟹ general circuit value
- Monotone Circuit Value (MCV):
CV but only uses $∨, ∧$ (so the output cannot but increase when changed)
\[MCV ≼_{\bf L} CV ≼_{\bf L} HornSAT\]
(the first reduction is trivial (special case), we’ll focus on the second one)
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