Lecture 1: Introduction
Paul-André Melliès (mellies at irif.fr)
Mathematics of programming languages ⟶ can we develop a mathematical theory of programms ? (like theortical physics for instance)
It started during the 40’s:
at the beginning: huge machines
- difference hardware/software: by degrees, software became separated from hardware to abstract
- computer VS calculator (at the beginning): a computer can compute + remember a little so as to start the next calculation with this remainder VS a calculator: just calculate without remembering anything
- +: you can control a computer, not a calculator
- in the 40’s: women were the programmers, gluing pieces of prgramming together
- in the 60’s: idea of programming langugaes with procedures ⟶ programs can call one another, compose, etc… ⟹ higher-order functionals: functions that can take functions as an input and output andother function
Ex of a functional:
\[eval: \begin{cases} (ℝ ⟶ ℝ) × ℝ ⟶ ℝ \\ f , a \mapsto f(a) \end{cases}\]a program can call a procedure
⟶ Ch. Starchey
Ex: a sequential program:
\[sum: \begin{cases} ℕ × ℕ ⟶ ℕ \\ a , b \mapsto a + b \end{cases}\]how to implement it?
- left-to-right algorithm
- right-to-left algorithm
Game semantics of the program:
\[lrsum: \begin{cases} ℕ × ℕ ⟶ ℕ \\ \underbrace{q_2}_{\substack{\text{question coming from the environment} \\ ⟶ \text{the environment answers } 5_3}}, \underbrace{q_4}_{\text{the environment says:} 7_5} \mapsto \underbrace{q_1}_{\substack{\text{the first number whose value is asked} \\ ⟶ \text{the environment says: } 12_6}} \end{cases}\]NB: subscripts are meant to indicate the order of execution
in practice: the values $5$ and $7$ are put on the stack
Problem: the order of execution looks like computation, but it can be turned into a mathematical function (it’s whole point of programming languages): with continuations.
Continuations: in order to male a difference between left-to-right and right-to-left, the cartesian product $ℕ × ℕ$ ⟹ a mathematical completion of $ℕ$ can do the trick:
\[ℕ \text{ is turned into } ¬¬ℕ\] \[¬ A ≝ A ⟹ \underbrace{α}_{\text{variable type}}\]Let us fix a type $\bot$ (thought of as $false$)
\[¬ A ≝ A ⟹ \bot\]Maybe now:
\[lrsum: ¬¬ℕ × ¬¬ℕ ⟶ ¬¬ℕ\]the order of execution can be thought of as a function
In constructive logic:
\[φ ⟹ ¬¬φ\]but
\[¬¬φ \not⟹ φ\]It’s the case in classical logic: there’s a long history of retrieving the computable content of classical logic.
$callcc$: invented in Lisp as a hack to recover the current continuation ⟶ so as to come back to where I was.
⟹ it implements the reasoning by contradiction
graph {
l[label="logics proofs"]; lam[label ="lambda-calculus"];
programming --
l, lam;
l -- lam;
Back to $¬¬ℕ × ¬¬ℕ ⟶ ¬¬ℕ$:
\[¬¬ ℕ = (ℕ ⟶ X) ⟶ X\]Ex:
\[[5]: \begin{cases} (ℕ ⟶ X) ⟶ X \\ f \mapsto f(5) \end{cases} ≝ λf. f(5) ≝ \underbrace{δ_5}_{\text{Dirac function}}\]Dirac function: There is a relationship between the $¬¬ℕ$ and distributions on $ℕ$.
\[lrsum: (ℕ ⟹ X) ⟹ X × \big((ℕ ⟹ X) ⟹ X\big) ⟶ (ℕ ⟹ X) ⟹ X\]
that is:
\[\begin{cases} (ℕ ⟹ X) ⟹ X × \big((ℕ ⟹ X) ⟹ X\big) × (ℕ ⟹ X) ⟶ X \\ φ, ψ, k \mapsto φ\big( λm. ψ(λn. k(n+m))\big) \end{cases} ≝ λφ, ψ, k. \underbrace{φ}_{\text{first call}}\big( λm. \underbrace{ψ}_{\text{second call}}(λn. \underbrace{k(n+m)}_{X})\big)\]-
$k$: seen as a function waiting for a natural number, which is then mapped to what will come next (ex: $X$ contains of the possible configurations of the program afterwards)
- we always do that in our daily routine: we try to guess what will happen after a given action (“what will he say if I do that?”)
\[rlsum: (ℕ ⟹ X) ⟹ X × \big((ℕ ⟹ X) ⟹ X\big) × (ℕ ⟹ X) ⟶ X ≝ λφ, ψ, k. ψ \big( λm. φ (λn. k(n+m))\big)\]Partial evaluation: if I build an optimized interpreter, in which I plug a program, so that I get a compiled as an output.
We turned an automata-theoretic algorithm into a $λ$-term. This approach can be very successfully generalized.
Another example: how to “blur” databases so that one cannot access all of personal information ⟶ monadic approach / $λ$-calculus-related
Mnemoid: a set with a 0-1 (hidden) register.
Category theory
- A graph:
- a set of vertices $V$
- a set of edges $E$
- two functions $source, target: E ⟶ V$ (often written $\partial_0, \partial_1$)
- A (small) category:
a graph of objects (vertices) and arrows/morphisms (edges) equipped with a composition $\circ$, and an identity arrow $1_A$ for each object $A$ such that:
- Associativity of the composition: \((w \circ v) \circ u = w \circ (v \circ u)\)
- Identity law: \(u \circ id_A = id_A \circ u = u\)
If the sets of objects and arrows are replaced by classes: general definition.
NB: you can see the graph $A \overset{u}{⟶} B \overset{v}{⟶} C \overset{w}{⟶} D$ can be seen as a 3-simplex, with the composition arrows.
Associativity canonically fills 3-dimensionally between the two sides $(w \circ v) \circ u$ and $w \circ (v \circ u)$
Beautiful view: the algebra is the art of filling holes.
Examples of categories
- Preorder category: Categories where there exists at most one arrow between two objects: every preorder define such a category, and reciprocally (provided that the category is small): such small categories are posets
- preorder: a set equipped with a reflexive and transitive binary relation $≤$
- all the cycles are isomorphisms
Categories generalize the notion of order: very important, since many concepts of order theory can be lifted to category theory.
The notion of greatest lower bound is such a concept ⟶ it’s the product of objects.
Cartesian product of two sets is also a product in the category $Set$.
(cf. the “category theory” section of my L3 report internship)
- Cartesian product of $A, B : \vert 𝒞 \vert$:
it is an object $A×B$ and two (projection) maps $π_1: A × B ⟶ A, π_2: A × B ⟶ B$ such that for every object $C$ and maps $f: C ⟶ A, g: C ⟶ B$, there exists a unique map $h: C ⟶ A × B$ such that \(\begin{cases} π_1 \circ h = f \\ π_2 \circ h = g \end{cases}\)
- Categories where there exists at most one object: every preorder define such a category: it’s a poset
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