Exercises 1 : Introduction
EX 1: Categories and functors
- $Set$: sets and functions
- $Top$: topological spaces and continuous maps
- $Vect$: vector spaces and linear maps
- $Grp$: groups and homomorphisms
- $Mon, Fields, Ring$, etc…
- $Poset$: posets and monotonous maps
- $(E, ≤)$: the poset category
- categories with a single object are monoids
- logical formuals and implications
EX 2: Cartesian categories
- terminal object: greatest element
- product: greatest lower bound
Products of sets are cartesian products, terminal objects are singletons.
If $1$ and $1’$ are two terminal objects:
- there exist unique maps $u: 1 ⟶ 1’$ and $v: 1’ ⟶ 1$ by terminality
- $v \circ u ∈ 𝒞_1(1, 1) = \lbrace id_1 \rbrace$ by universality of $1$
- idem for $u \circ v = id_{1’}$
4 / 5.
It’s “the” (up to unique isomorphism) terminal object in the category of cones.
There exist: $π_1: 1 × A ⟶ 1$, $π_2: 1 × A ⟶ A$
We check that \(⟨π_2, π_1⟩: 1 × A ⟶ A × 1\)
is an isomorphism:
\[⟨π_2, π_1⟩ \circ ⟨π_1, π_2⟩ = ⟨π_2 \circ π_1, π_1 \circ π_2⟩ = ⟨id_A, id_1⟩\]indeed, by universality: $⟨id_A, id_1⟩$ is the only arrow in $𝒞_1(A × 1, A × 1)$.
\[A ≃ 1 × A\]
since $A$ is a cartesian product of $1$ and $A$ (easy to check).
Same demonstration as before.
We show that $(A×B)×C$ is a product of $A$ and $B×C$.
With the Yoneda lemma: $𝒞_1(y((A×B)×C), y(A×(B×C))) ≃ 𝒞_1((A×B)×C, A×(B×C))$, so:
\[(A×B)×C ≃ A×(B×C) ⟺ \underbrace{y((A×B)×C) ≃ y(A×(B×C))}_{𝒞_1(\_, (A×B)×C) \, ≃ \, 𝒞_1(\_, A×(B×C))}\]9.
Coproducts: disjoint union of sets
Initial object in $Set$: the empty set $∅$.
- Category of relations $Rel$:
- objects: sets
- morphisms: relations $⊆ A × B$
It is cartesian:
- terminal object: $∅$ since the only morphism $⊆X × ∅$ is $∅$
- products: the disjoint union: $π_{X}⊆ X \sqcup Y × X$ is defined as $\lbrace (ι_X(x), x) \mid x∈X \rbrace$, and if $f ⊆ C × X, \; g ⊆ C × Y$, $⟨f, g⟩ ⊆ \lbrace (c, ι_X(x)) \mid (c, x) ⊆ f\rbrace ∪ \lbrace (c, ι_Y(y)) \mid (c, y) ⊆ g\rbrace$
What are coproducts in this category? A product in the opposite category.
But as
\[Rel^{op} = Rel\]They are the same.
Products are direct sums, whose basis are disjoint unions of basis of $A$ and $B$.
\[π_A: \begin{cases} A \oplus B ⟶ A \\ a ∈ Basis_A ⟼ a\\ b ∈ Basis_B ⟼ 0 \end{cases}\]12.
$Cat$ is cartesian:
- terminal objet: unit category
- product: product category
EX 3: Pullbacks
It is a product.
It is the set \(\lbrace (x,y) ∈ A × B \mid f(x) = g(y) \rbrace\)
EX 4: Dual notions
Coproducts in:
- $Set$: disjoint unions
- $Rel$: disjoint unions
- $Top$: product of spaces
- $Vect$: product of spaces
EX 5: (Co)monoids in cartesian categories
- Monoid:
A category with one single object.
The monoid is commutative whenever for all $f, g: X ⟶ X$, $f \circ g = g \circ f$
- Homomorphism of monoids:
a functor from the first category seen as a monoid to the second one
A comonoid
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