Animation courtsey of Ribosome Studio Youtube channel
Natural selection: Deeper stories $⟹$ Improving biological fitness
BUT counter-intuitive
probabilistically: Indeed: if
Possible explanations:
Does refinement increase depth?
An heuristic optimisation that loop on two steps:
Model biais: biological clock assumption, spontaneous discrete generation, etc …
$$h ∈ \overbrace{\Hom[\SGph]{x, y}}^{\text{denoted by } [x,y]} \text{ is an epi } \\ \; ⟺ \; ∀ c_y ⊆ y \text{ connected component}, \, h^{-1}(c_y) ≠ ∅$$
Every iso $α ∈ [t, t']$ conjugates the factorisations $ϕ, γ$ and $ϕ', γ'$:
⟹ Equivalence relation:
The group $[t, t]$ acts freely on $[s, t]^e × [t, x]$ (as we have epis and monos), so by Burnside’s lemma:
Theorem: if $s ≤ Σ$ and $x : Σ$:
$$[s,x] \; ≅ \; \sum\limits_{ t ∈ Σ(s) } [s, t]^e ×_{[t,t]} [t, x]$$
edge addition/deletion (when permitted), agent addition/deletion
If $θ$ is an iso: $θ(r) \; ≝ \; θ(s), θ(α), τ$ satisfies:
Rule refinement:
If $s ≤ Σ$, the refinement of the rule $R \; ≝ \; s, α, τ$ under $Σ$ is:$$Σ(s, α, τ) \; ≝ \; (t, ϕ(α), τ)_{t ∈ Σ(s), ϕ ∈ [s,t]^e/[t,t]}$$
Our naive code implementation was split between:
Demo time!
P. Boutillier, J. Feret, J. Krivine, and W. Fontana, “The Kappa Language
and Kappa Tools,” p. 52.
“Signaling Pathways,” Tocris Bioscience.
V. Danos, J. Feret, W. Fontana, R. Harmer, and J. Krivine, “Rule-Based
Modelling, Symmetries, Refinements,” in Formal Methods in Systems
Biology, vol. 5054, J. Fisher, Ed. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 103–122.
E. Murphy, V. Danos, J. Féret, J. Krivine, and R. Harmer, “Rule-Based
Modeling and Model Refinement,” in Elements of Computational Systems
Biology, H. M. Lodhi and S. H. Muggleton, Eds. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010, pp. 83–114.
“List of signalling pathways,” Wikipedia. 30-Nov-2016.